Friday, March 21, 2014

New Winds Blowing; Cognitive Resonance; Deferred Maintenance

Early in 2007 while at Harbin Hot Springs in Middletown, CA for a weekend, I was drawn to yet another of the amenities that Harbin offers in addition to its waters:  An intimate movie screening room with large pillows for seating.  The title of one of the films being shown that evening caught my eye:  A 30-minute film entitled “Healing the Light Body.”  I was intrigued.

The simple film featured a very engaging and eloquent description by Alberto Villoldo, Ph. D., of what is referred to as the “light body” or energy body that surrounds the human body and the seminal role it plays with regard to trauma, illness, and disease.  Moreover, the discussion of the light body and the chakra system also encompassed an introduction to shamanism, the world which mediates between the spirit realm and the physical.  I was not only completely fascinated by what I saw and heard, but the message of the movie hit my gut with such cognitive resonance, that I knew in that moment my life would turn in a different direction.

I know that there are millions of people before me in this world who have long known of the energy body and the shamanic world.  But this was my “a-ha” moment.  Apparently this student was ready when this teaching appeared.

The ending credits of the movie featured information about books by Alberto Villoldo, as well as information about The Four Winds Society.  Days later I purchased Villoldo’s book “Shaman, Healer, Sage,” a fascinating and engaging account of Villoldo’s travels and training with the Inka shamans in the ways of energy medicine and techniques for healing with spirit and light.

There are many gateways and paths into the world of energy medicine.  Villoldo’s film and book just happened to be mine.

Finishing my read of “Shaman, Healer, Sage” only stoked my curiosity and resolve to learn more and to be the beneficiary of such healing.  I found a Four Winds practitioner of “Healing the Light Body” work in Sebastopol, CA and attended several sessions with him.  It was just the beginning of my healing journey along the path of energy medicine.

In November 2007, I attended my first of what would be six weeklong workshops with the Four Winds Society over the next two years.  “Healing the Light Body” work engaged me in rituals, initiations, and healing techniques with a community of interesting and amazing people, all with their own life stories and aspirations for healing and being of service to others.

I found the Four Winds processes transformative.  They catalyzed my release from oppressive paradigms and limiting belief systems that I held in my mind and my body, but that were not of my own choosing.  My Four Winds experience was a convergence of energy, quantum reality, and spirit, held in the sacred vessel of Inka shamanism.  It was also a springboard to further exploration of and inquiry into a vast array of energetic healing modalities, as well as the beauty and power of indigenous cultures which are more directly connected to spirit and nature without the mediation of “religion” and its attendant human obstruction and distortion.  I now move through this world with a vastly greater consciousness of my free will and a deeper awareness of the power and consequence of my choices.  Moreover, I embrace my connection to the natural world – the world of animals, plants, and the cosmos – in unprecedented fashion.

This journey, while empowering and expansive, has also been challenging.  Relationships have changed, and sometimes ended.  Yet new relationships have also begun and been made possible through this work.  When I feel negative emotions, they are now a call to look inward, as opposed to laying blame with someone or something else.

One of the most significant realizations I have come to is that in the West, when it comes to energetic health, there exists an untold reality of what I term “deferred maintenance.”  While some would argue in support of the redemptive value of religion, I have come to my own perception that the paradigm of duality (the basis of most religion, if not all) is fundamentally disempowering; suppressing and aborting the widespread practice of effective energetic healing modalities for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years in Western/Judeo-Christian culture.  The level of energetic toxicity, blockage, and imbalance has reached untenable heights, as reflected in our bodies and in our world.

Thankfully, this tide is now turning.  Particularly over the past 30 years and crescendoeing now, the West is embracing the treasures of indigenous and mystic wisdom that had previously been kept hidden and almost destroyed.  
These are big statements, I know.  But hey, this is my blog.  And welcome to it.

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